Ramblings about Addiction

3 min readApr 21, 2021

It has been awhile since the last time I have written, I used to be addicted to the feeling of typing for ages and to finally realize after so long that I had spent however long doing nothing but thinking as my hands raced across the keyboard to keep up.

Nonetheless that is the topic of this rambling, addiction, and at a scientific stand point an addiction is anything you continue to do with a high enough priority that it takes precedence over other things. There are a lot of people who would perceive this meaning as false because they may have or had an addiction to something and do not want to acknowledge it, or whatever other reason they may have. Although an addiction is as I said, humans are addicted to many things which come naturally, such as eating, sex, sleep, and so on, but it also comes in the form where the body gets into a habit of having such things like marijuana, alcohol, porn, puzzles, pens, or whatever else that can create the specific feeling that pleases the person. For example, I have played video games for the last 10 odd years and it would definitely be considered an addiction. But for the past year I have also been talking to a girl that I am in love with, and we talk pretty much every day for at least a couple hours, so that too would be an addiction.

Although, the part that I did not mention is that more often than not the body goes through withdrawal when it does not get the familiar sensation. And a lot of people may say they smoked all the time and they did not have withdrawals when quitting, which good for them I suppose, but the way I see it people do not have withdrawals over something that they truly do not care about. People may eat bologna sandwiches for an extended period, but they can easily stop eating it because it was not pleasant enough to want it again and again, but they will continue to eat because the body’s form of withdrawal for not eating is hunger. So in that same way, someone may stop smoking and not have withdrawals because they have something that replaces it, which can be a bad thing or good thing replacing it, instead of cigarette or marijuana chemicals, the body may be pleased in the fact that it is getting enough chemicals already present in the body to replace the others. These chemicals like dopamine and serotonin are essentially high risk high reward chemicals because, depending on the person, they can be easy or difficult to produce but if produced they create one of the most amazing feelings available, and in our bodies there are all sorts of chemicals that produce similar effects.

Though there is also the flip side that the body gets familiar with bad feelings and goes continues to go through withdrawals because there is no discrimination between good and bad in some people, some people like myself get so familiar with the sad chemicals that they become cold and numb, and when they try to break free the body goes through these withdrawals that drag them back to the depths of the pool of grief and pain.

There is post I have seen a few times floating around in different places, but as they put it, humans are just mass of jelly with electric impulses piloting a giant suit of meat and bones. In that sense, it is like some people pilot their suits autonomously while soaking in the juices of sadness, some in the happiness but I will get to that later, and there are many of them who decide to change that and they flood the juices and begin pumping in happiness, but there is always residual sadness stained into walls.

But there are also the jelly people who soak in happiness and even when a pipe bursts leaking sadness into their pool, they can flood their vessel and continue to be happy because they have the happiness stained into the walls, and sometimes sadness stays long enough to make everything a grey mess of happiness and sadness, but whereas they can always reminisce in what they both had and have.

There is a lot more to this topic, but I am done for now, so hopefully whoever reads this gets something from it they can think about.

And to those who read it, thank you, have a good day, be it today, tomorrow, or maybe next week, but have it.




I am just a person who enjoys thinking, and wishes for others to do the same in the journey we all take through life.