Ramblings about meaning

4 min readJan 16, 2021

What is the point of life?

Maybe I have a case of depression or some form of it, but I have been considering what my purpose is, and I have found that I don’t seem to have any purpose. I barely passed high school, thought college would be different, and it wasn’t, and I got bored, so I dropped out. And now I am left to wonder what I’m doing with my life. As life goes, I should get a job, not sure what yet, I’m not being pressured to get a job so I have the liberty unlike some people who don’t get the opportunity to get an actual job I would enjoy. So far, to no luck, but assuming I did get a job I would enjoy I find myself thinking then what?

So here I’m going to make a sort of prediction of my future if I’m lucky, then I’ll make some remark about life, then at the end I will give my opinion about our meaning in life.

So assuming I had a great job that I enjoy what then? I would assume I would build up some job experience and money, then probably move out onto my own, maybe I would continue working there, eventually I might find someone appealing and decide to pursue my feelings, we would date, we would move in together, get married, go on adventures, have kids, probably move into a better home, take care of the family as life continues, watch as my children grow old enough to move out on their own, feel stuck and lacking of activity, pick up a hobby, interact with my children and maybe their children, eventually me and my wife will die, and the life of my children will be changed for the future as all of life continues on without me. At least that would be an ideal future lacking the details in between points.

So if that is the ideal life for a lot of people, my basis being that me and my small group of friends would agree on that being so as well as my assumption that a lot of people would think the same way at some point in their lives, then the underlying meaning in life lies in there somewhere. And hear me out, even if you only plan on doing drugs for the rest of your life and not actually doing anything, or you plan on becoming the next big rock star, or an astronaut, my point will still apply, so if you’re cringing for whatever reason, well you have made it this far so just bear with me for another paragraph or two.

So, knowing what an ideal life is like, then what is the point? From what it seems is that at some level or another we are born in the hopes that we will make a difference in some way, most end up living their lives only making a difference to a very small amount of people then giving birth to the next generation in hopes they may or may not be different. And in the end of humanity it’ll all be for naught.

What I think? I think life is about what you make of it, just as we all live in a world of made up rules and such, life is about trying to affect our line of evolution and if you don’t you have a child or however many so that they can affect your life be it good or bad, teach them what there is to know, then send them off to make a difference in whatever way they end up doing so. And even as technology is advancing making it easier and easier to talk to the people all around the world, it’s only a matter of time until cameras see everything, I can only imagine it’ll be human controlled cameras similar to tiktok, snapchat, instagram, or what have you, and in that time of society people will come to accept it and use it. And it is in that in which you, your children, and the rest of the people on the planet will have to do what you want and if anyone makes a difference the people who witness it are the ones who will make it known in history. It is then that a person has succeeded in their quest to have made a difference enough to affect our line of evolution.

And you might be thinking about the people who aren’t named in history, and to frank, it is the people who are named in history that have won their stake over another person such as life in the eyes of history.

Anyway, I hope you have a great day and come out successful in your battles!




I am just a person who enjoys thinking, and wishes for others to do the same in the journey we all take through life.